Friday, May 6, 2011

Birth Kalamazoo honors mothers!

In honor of Mother's Day, Kimmelin Hull of Lamaze's Science and Sensibility blog recently asked birth professionals to share how they honor mothers. We are so blessed to work with such amazing women, here is how we try to honor them in all we do.

Birth Kalamazoo honors mothers!

In our childbirth education classes, we honor mothers by helping them know that their bodies were made for birth, and teaching them time-honored techniques (shared by other mothers!) to help them navigate their own journey. We teach them that there is no one “right” way to birth, and that they are strong and amazing. We honor mothers by preparing their partners to support them on the birth journey and beyond, to surround them in love and support. We teach them to avoid unnecessary interventions but embrace them in the rare circumstances where they might prudent. We help them understand that on the occasions when a birth veers away from the original plan, as mothers they still have choices and are deserving of kindness and respect. We connect them with other strong, amazing mothers who talk about birth with reverence and show them that it truly can be done without excessive technology. We teach them that birth is an amazing passage to be embraced, not feared.

As birth doulas, we honor mothers by walking beside them on the birth journey. We encourage them to trust their bodies and the process, and to find their own way through this intense, amazing passage. We hold their hands, rub their backs, sit quietly, pour water, wipe brows, offer reassurance, suggest positions, or simply stand back. We help their partners recognize what’s normal and that she is doing well, and to figure out how they can best help her on the journey. When needed, we offer gentle suggestions. We affirm that mothers are strong and amazing, and we help them find their strength and voice. We let them know there are options and we trust their decision making process. We support them unconditionally, without judgment. We honor mothers by celebrating with them, crying with them and holding their space. We surround them in love.

As lactation consultants, we honor mothers with evidence-based breastfeeding classes that acknowledge common pitfalls but also celebrate all that is right and beautiful with breastfeeding, not just all that can be difficult. We help them to realize that the human breast works! We know that they are strong and amazing, and we help them recognize that too. We connect women with community resources that can support them on this journey and help them find other like-minded mothers. When there are challenges, we come to their homes, listen to their worries and offer gentle, customized, expert guidance to help them achieve nursing success. We ease their fears, and help them recognize and cope with the occasional serious problem. We honor mothers by celebrating the beauty of breastfeeding!

As postpartum doulas, we honor mothers by nurturing them as they become mothers. We listen and encourage without judgment, offering support and evidence-based information. We share tips and tricks for baby care, from diapering to feeding and bath time. We help women wear their babies so they can have a free hand every now and then! We take care of the “little things” around the house that no one else might notice, but you can bet the mother has been noticing. We reassure them that they are strong and amazing mothers! We entertain and wear out big brothers and sisters, then offer tips on how moms can do the same while still caring for the baby and staying sane. We honor mothers by making sure she is eating well, resting and feeling as centered as possible as she enters into this new phase of her life. We honor new mothers by loving them up!

We honor mothers, and we are so very honored to serve them.

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